Wednesday, March 11, 2009



  1. It sure sounds and looks cold!! BRRRRRRRR! Try and stay warm! : )
    We left just in time!! Nathan and Joanna say that we needed to stay for the storm so that we would have to stay longer. :D
    Love, The McCanne's

  2. I am here with 5 Filipina ladies and this is their 1st snow experience. You should see the broad smiles and excited chatter. They all want to come for a visit. Josiah and Hannah are quite sure that if they could play in the snow they would NEVER come inside to get warm.

    Even, with the lovely white it's difficult to explain cold weather to Filipinas. Sometimes, it drops down to the high 70s here and they asked if that's what snowy weather feels like. So, I took them to our freezer (a rare American only appliance) and said no, imagine standing all ay inside the freezer and then their mouths dropped open. Now, they are not sure they want to come visit your freezer but all agreed it sure looks pretty. Thanks for the science/geography class today!

    Oh, yes, and while I'm taking so much of your comment space please know that Isaac's comment to Josiah on our site made his day. He was crowned in his masculinity by Isaac the great! God bless you all. Stacey-jean for all We are off to go swimming. ;-)


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