Thursday, August 25, 2016

Steinbach Trip

After all the hard work of getting the maze ready, we decided to take a day off and head up to Steinbach, Manitoba to visit the Mennonite Village Museum. Both Abby and Joshua were here so they got in on it too. Both Arthur and my family background are Mennonite, so this has special interest for us. 

Inside the building they go over the history of the Mennonites with displays.

Outside, there's buildings that were used years ago. This is a sod house. (I'm sure you knew that!) Some days they have everything up and running with people acting the parts. Today wasn't one of those days so we almost had the place to ourselves. 

Inside one of the churches: Priscilla, Miriam, Hosanna, Josh and Abby.

The biggest attraction at the museum is the windmill.  Originally the mill was brought over from Europe but someone burned it down a few years back. It was rebuilt to look like the first.

The windmill was up and running and Arthur had a good visit with the man running it.

We missed this on previous visits so we made a point of finding it. It's a piece of the Berlin Wall.

Abby was a bad student in the schoolhouse and drew a mean picture of the teacher!

Arthur and Josh enjoyed the animals and barns.

Since getting back, the guys have been busy putting up hay.
Meanwhile, we are getting ready for another weekend. Have a great weekend enjoying the blessings God has given you!


  1. That looks so fun! I always enjoy places like that.

  2. Why do they have a section of the Berlin Wall at a Mennonite museum?

  3. While most of the Mennonites immigrated to America in the late 1800's,some were still in Germany through WWII. A few survived and headed over here. I'm guessing that's why anyway! Possibly a lot of them still had relatives in Berlin as well.


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