Friday, January 4, 2019

2018 - In Review

Most years when I look back over the year, I come up with one word that summarized that year. I would have to say that this year the word would have to be STRESSFUL! We've had great years, average years, sad years, but this year was basically a stressful year. It actually started out as one of the nicest winters I ever remember having. It was so relaxing with so little on the calendar. 

But then, the stress started, and it really wasn't any one thing or even necessarily bad stress. There can be good stress! It was stress over one family member or another. It was weeks worth of stress over selling the cows. And stress again after the cows sold and the checks quit coming. It was stress over the maze. It was stress trying to get things done when there was so much to do. It was stress over waiting for a new granddaughter to be born when we thought she should've been born much earlier. It was stress over meeting a special young man who wanted to marry our daughter but we didn't know. (He's pretty great :) It was just stressful. Not a very good way of looking at a year, but it is what it is. It's what God had for us in 2018 and we are happy to take the good with the bad if it's His will for us. 

I'm glad the year is over but to be honest, I'm not sure this year will be a whole lot easier. We are living on way less which isn't the easiest. We have a myriad of other decisions to make which isn't always easy. But as I was having my devotions yesterday, I was reading about how God allowed Moses to part the Red Sea and how miraculously the Hebrew people crossed the sea and how the sea closed back in on the Egyptians. Talk about stress! Being on the edge of a sea with the Egyptian army coming quickly from behind with seemingly no place to go! I would've been one of the ladies bawling my eyes out, and wailing, I'm sure! But God can take situations that look impossible and difficult, and make them possible and not so hard at all! He can slay the enemy at the same time!

So with that said, I look forward to 2019 and seeing all that God has planned for us. I know we are in His hand and that no one loves us or cares as much as He does and that is a great place to be! 
Happy New Year Everyone!
May God bless you all this year by knowing He is with you every step of the journey!
I would've done this post earlier but I've been sick for almost a week :(


  1. Happy New Year!! I'm glad your feeling better!

  2. So true. I've found myself, uncountable times in the last few years worrying and losing sleep over something and thinking I was in the worst situation possible, and as soon as I would give it to the Lord and realize he allowed it to happen for a reason, it all of a sudden it didn't seem quite so big! He will give us the strength to go thru every trial and hard time we come across, and draw us closer to Him thru it! What a good God we serve!! I'm looking forward to seeing what He has in store for me in 2019!!


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