Monday, May 4, 2020

Busy Days!

I'm sure you are all getting tired of the Coronovirus shutdown like we are. One thing we have enjoyed is doing a drive in service at our church. It's not like being in person, but sure better than sitting home watching it!

We were looking through some old pictures and found this one of Arthur, far left, from back in our college days at Northland. Those of you that know us, should know who is standing beside him as well! This was taken in our apartment when they were getting ready for a nightime campus event.

Another oldie picture we found was this one from the April Morning drama. It hardly looks like Arthur! 

The guys have been out sucker fishing a couple of times and one thing I did with them was make some pickled fish. Okay, as a girl I loved pickled fish. Ate it whenever I got a chance. But then one day I made some and realized that its really just raw, pickled fish. Haven't been able to eat it since!

Today my project is to take some old beans I had, both black beans and garbanzo beans and cook them up. They've been soaking all night, and after draining, rinsing, and putting in fresh water, they are on the stove as I speak. I love both of these beans in salads, in chili, in omelets, you name it! This time of year I always get into "empty the freezer and pantry" mode for the new garden season coming up. 

Arthur enjoyed taking Daniel sucker fishing and teaching him how to filet a fish. He loved it! Suckers are a great fish to learn on because if you mangle the filet all up, who cares! There's more!

Backing up to Easter Sunday, the girls took time to dress up and fix their hair to celebrate our Lord and Savior's death and resurrection!

They couldn't resist a Coronovirus facemask photo!

Arthur and I went for a drive last night, which we very seldom have time for, and looked at the fields. This is last years flax crop that never got harvest because of the fall rains. The field is still too wet to harvest. Such is farming.

Meanwhile, we are having calves born every day and its so fun to see the mama and baby pairs in the field!

Meanwhile, Priscilla works hard to finish up the rough draft of a new book.

Meanwhile, Miriam got her plane tickets for this summer. We will sure miss her!

So that's it for now. Continue to pray for our country and its leaders. Pray too for church leaders around the country that they would have wisdom in when to reopen and how. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


  1. Hello there!

    So happy to see you're still blogging! I used to visit your blog years ago as an MK in Alaska. I enjoyed visiting because your daughter's name is Naomi like mine. Years later post-Bible college and teaching preschool kiddies I'm back in Alaska and enjoy visiting blogs once again. Happy to see you are all doing well! God bless! . . . Naomi

    1. Welcome back! I'm sorry we haven't posted as often as in the past. Naomi used to do a lot of it and I'm not as good at words as her. I'll try to update more often now that I know someone looks at it!!

  2. P.S. We also pickle fish up here in Alaska . . . we have an abundance of herring in the area where we live now. It's tasty when I don't dwell on the fact that it's raw! ;)

    1. Ha! I used to love pickled fish, really love it, until I made it one time and realized it isn't cooked! Oh well, we still make it and like you, I just don't dwell on it!


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