Monday, June 9, 2008

It's Quiet Again

The older kids left about 5 o'clock this morning for week two of CYIA training in Grand Forks. Arthur has a lot of work to do with Isaac gone, so he's hired a cousin to work for a few days. Silas is out mowing lawn and Priscilla is working on making a quilt. An ambitious project and it might take a while. Today I plan to finish a long project I've been working on. An older lady from our church has written out some of her memories from when she was a girl and I'm typing them up for her. It's not easy but I'm slowing getting the 50 or so pages done. While this project has been a lot of work, (her handwriting is hard to read and she just jots down thoughts while I'm trying to put them into sentences), I'm really enjoying the content of the work. This lady is a relative of Arthur's and grew up in a very similar fashion to how my relatives grew up. It reads kind of like a Little House on the Prairie type book and I'm also inserting her pictures where appropriate. She also did a good job pointing out the things God did in her life which will be a treasure to future generations that read it. While I scrapbook pictures with short captions, I can see where it would be nice to take time to write up stories from my life. Maybe sometime.

By the way, our church's Vacation Bible School is June 23 - 27. We'd love to have any of you come!!! Our family is specifically praying for 100 children. Would you join us in praying for this? We used to have this many children when we had church in the old Mennonite church but since we've moved to the ridge, the highest we've had is 91. Not that numbers are all that important. We would rather have just a handfull if that handfull would apply what was taught. Our theme is 'Sailing Through the Bible' which will simply teach through the entire Bible, fast like. We're also teaching a thread throughout about the tongue and how we can use it for good or bad. This includes teaching about complaining, swearing, lies, praise, gratefulness, etc. Anyway, we're excited and the kids will just love Captain Krahn and the notorious, ferocious, Captain Blackwiskers who is Amos and his first mate, Miss Sweetart, who is Rebekah of course! If you do take time to pray for us, pray for safety and good weather, for unsaved children to get saved, and the saved to grow. We'll, I've got work to do so have a great day!!

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