Friday, September 19, 2008


We've had a really busy day! Our company arrived late last night and so we have an extra mom, daughter, and three sons. Arthur put the guys to work today butchering a bull for meat to send home with Rebekah's parents, and then they went to bale oat straw. Meanwhile, Miriam headed up applesauce production. The girls had fun picking apples and then some got dehydrated and the rest got chopped up and made into applesauce. It was a good project to work on with lots of hands available!

1600-h/IMG_8914.JPG"> The McCanne's, Rebekah's family, were over at Amos and Rebekah's house and stopped by for lunch and for the afternoon. This is Grandma McCanne, Aunty Joanna, and baby Daniel. He has a high bilirubin count, jaundice, and so he's been spending his time on a Wallaby pad, which is a fiber optic light that helps lower the bilirubin count. Please pray that he will get over this soon!
This evening Naomi is doing some clean up and the jars of applesauce are on the counter. We put cinnamon in some, sugar, and some jars got honey. Eventually we'll probably do more but I think now we'll turn our attention to corn. We enjoyed the day visiting and talking about God's blessings.

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