Thursday, October 23, 2008

Birds, Birds, and More Birds...

Evangelist Ross Crowe and his son were here yesterday and today to go goose and duck hunting with Arthur and Silas. They always have a good time and were very successful. Only problem with duck hunting is you have to get up really early - like 5:00 a.m. and the guys are starting to get really tired after their one late night making the silage pile.
Here's a corner of the silage pile. They covered it with plastic and throw all kinds of tires on it.

This afternoon the guys said if we girls wanted help with butchering chickens we should do it today. We did the twelve biggest ones and some other time we'll have to do the rest. Arthur chopped the heads off. Then we dunk them in hot water (a big barrel of water that sits in our campfire pit with fire going all around it) and that makes the feathers really easy to pluck which we all helped with. (Except for Naomi who conviently had a piano lesson to give!) Then Isaac and Priscilla took the "guts" out and cut off the feet.
Isaac came in with us girls and helped us cut them up into pieces and after washing them and cleaning them good we froze bags full. I am so glad to have some chicken!! With all the beef and venison we get I never feel quite right buying more meat so we eat very little chicken. But this winter... I'm tired now and I smell like chicken so I think I better go get a shower. (Hey, the smell is better than the skunk Isaac got yesterday) I do have a couple of pots of bones on the stove and plan to can chicken broth tomorrow. For now, have a great evening!

1 comment:

  1. my brother-in-law is CRAZY about duck hunting. I think he got two on saturday.
    I've never seen one gutted though.......


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