Monday, October 6, 2008

Visiting With Senator Coleman...

This afternoon Grandpa, Dad, Miriam, and I (Hosanna), went to a political event in Roseau where Republican Senator Norm Colman was speaking. As you can see Miriam and I were able to get our picture taken with him. He spoke about the economy and shared his prolife and second amendment views which we strongly agree with.

In this picture Dad is talking to Steve Lillestol who is running for State Representative this year. He was also there although he didn't give a speech.

(Camille - Senator Coleman is running against Democrat Al Franken this year and we'd really appreciate your prayers that Coleman would get in. Although Coleman is not a Christian as far as we know, he's Jewish, he votes conservatively which we appreciate.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness Al Franken makes me SOOO mad!!! He is such a, well...MORON! (for lack of a better word!!!) I've heard him speak (in bits and pieces), and read a few articles he's written (and I'll NEVER go NEAR one of his books!!), and he is sooooooo liberal it's not even funny!!! I really hope that Coleman wins...we don't need any more liberals in the Senate!!! We are hoping to replace our own liberal, Daschle-left-over Senator, Tim Johnson, this year...pray that the conservative candidates will win!!

    Anyway, it's really neat that you got to so see Senator Coleman! Are you all working on any campaigns up there?


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