Monday, February 9, 2009

In the Barn...

This is our farm dog, Jehu. He is a nice dog but sure can bark and scare people he doesn't know.
We've had a few new calves and Silas took these pictures to show you a few of them.

This is Isaac pulling twine off of hay bales before feeding them. It's raining outside today. That is really rare for February up here and the driveway is really slippery. It's suppose to change to snow but we'll see. We're just hoping it doesn't make the snow all disappear.


  1. It's raining here today too...and it's been in the 30s-high 40s since you should have stayed longer!!! :) Although today it's pretty dismal and dreary out...

  2. OK. My first thought on the first calf was I thought it was another picture of the dog.


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