Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Field Work, Calves, and Projects!

I could hardly believe it when I heard my father-in-law was out disking in the field!  He finished the field without getting stuck and then did my mother-in-laws garden (nice and big isn't it!).  I guess that's a good sign spring is here.  Once in a great while the field work actually gets done in April but I'm not too optimistic about that.  It's also been really dry so that's good I guess. 

Everyday now the cows are calving.  I think we've had about 34 so far with about half of them being dairy calves that get fed with a bucket, and a couple with a bottle.  Sure keeps everyone busy. 

I've been working on one of those, "Someday I'd like to...", projects.  I have a long, long list of them!!  Anyway, it's a Homeschool Tournament Day with 18 different events to compete in.  A very, very simplified version of an ACE convention that we've been to a few times.  It's Friday and I have a long list of things to get done including finding a few more judges.  Any volunteers?  I think there's twenty families on the list so it should be lots of fun.  We'd still take registrations if anyone wants to come!!

Job 37:5 "God thundereth marvelously with his great voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend."


  1. Thank you for all the work you put into the competition. I am sure I don't even know the half of it. The kids had a great time and I think it was really, really good for them.

  2. The competition was really fun. I hope you will do it again next year.


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