Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Isaac!
May God bless you for your desire to serve Him and your desire to be a man of God!
We love you!!!

Sorry we didn't get you the wife you wanted for your birthday ;(  We haven't been able to find one.  If anyone knows where we can get a young lady that loves God, wants to serve God no matter where that might be, is adventuresome, enjoys work, can handle farm life in the north, wants and loves children, is conservative, enjoys gardening, and doesn't mind venison and fish, please do let us know:)
  If only it was that easy!!


  1. Everything is perfect other than the NORTH part. Go South! Hah! :) It's so nice to see family's so focused on God and those amazing traits, that focus is a rarity nowadays and I love to see it. :)

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISAAC!!! We continue to pray for the LORD's richest blessings for your life. We love and admire you greatly!!! Excited we get to see you in December!!! The Pecks


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