Thursday, May 29, 2014

2014 Ministry Training

This week we had our every-other-year-or-so ministry training at our church.  It was a really fun group with quite a few that had never been to the training before.  Mainly we work on things for VBS and fair ministry but these are things a person uses their whole life to share the gospel.

The key thing we worked on this year was learning the wordless book, not as easy as it seems.  Trying to get in all the main points and back them up with scripture, even when your nervous saying it to a critique leader, can be difficult. We spent a lot of time working on salvation counselling as well.  We want to make sure people we witness to understand exactly what it means to get saved and how to do it. We don't want anyone to think that they can be saved by good works or even by just saying a prayer.

Probably the favorite thing to do is practice the theme skit for VBS.  This year we are doing Answers in Genesis's Spy Academy.  We do custom it for our church though, so it probably doesn't resemble the original program. Anyway, the children will love the skit this year!

Arthur and Mr. H. did most of the teaching.  My father-in-law and Aaron did some devotionals.

We split the VBS songs up among some of the workers who are responsible for leading those songs during the week.  

It was a fun couple of days and we wish it could've been longer!  Thank you everyone that came!  May God bless all your hard work and use it in your lives to win many to Christ!


  1. It looks like you had a good group. I wish I could have been there. Don't you just the pictures of people telling the wordless book and leading songs?!

  2. Thank you so much~Krahn family~ for a great two days of training!!!! I love ministry training...and you are right...the ways we learned to share the gospel will last a LIFETIME!


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