Friday, May 16, 2014

Good Times With Cousins

Let's see who can catch Grandpa!I wish I could get this picture bigger so you could see the little one's faces!

Let's see if we can tip Grandpa over!

I may never fly o'er the enemy but I'm in the Lord's Army,
Yes Sir!


  1. You are so blessed to have your grandkids close by. Loved the pics of grandpa playing.

  2. They are so cute!

  3. The last picture reminds me of a 5-day club. :)

  4. Great pictures!! Thank you for posting them. We enjoy every pic we see of the boys and you all! We sure miss you those grandkids! So glad they have you all near them.

  5. I agree, you are blessed to have the grandchildren close enough to see them often. We miss ours so much. Grandchildren are such a treasure! Blessings to you!


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