Sunday, September 7, 2014

Maze Update

Cute aren't they?!  Our theme this weekend was "Corn Festival" and we did different things to do with corn and one of the things was giving all the kids Butter Kernel hats.

The Pitchfork has never been as busy as they were this weekend.  Silas does an amazing job grilling burgers, hotdogs, corndogs, pineapple, and whatever else we come up with.  The whole weekend was really busy and we sooooo missed Hosanna's help!!!  She usually spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday making popcorn balls.  This year Miriam is trying to do that and waterballoons, and the rest of us fill in as we can.

We did a small cornbox for the kids and Arthur has to test it out!  It was quite dusty, but the kids got rid of a lot of it this weekend!

I'm not sure how to turn this photo but it just shows Arthurs skid marks.    A truck driver nearby ran out of gas.  He had a really heavy load and went to Arthur to get help.  He got him some fuel and then the driver needed a pull to get it going.  He used his 3/4 ton Ford truck and it 4 Lo it squealed and bucked a little but pulled the big heavy truck with a 100,000 lb load on it.  It took about 1/4 mile to get it going and in the process left the skid marks. (Arthur dictated that to me because I wouldn't have remembered the details :)  He's not a hot rod driver and tries not to be hard on vehicles, but enjoyed the challenge!

Karen helped out at the grill some too.  She took orders, Priscilla assembled them and Silas did the grilling.  When Karen was in the Granary, Priscilla ran the show.

As for the maze, its going good.  We've had a lot of people through, had a lot of fun, but are really tired!  Thankfully, we don't have any extra groups this week so we can take a really quick breather before getting things ready on Thursday. Time to get some gardening done, canning, house cleaning, stuff like that.

 Our church is having a bridal shower for Karen on Saturday morning.  If anyone is interested in coming, be sure to RSVP to us soon.

Hosanna had the fun of being in, none other than, a Corn Fest Parade!  Yes, she felt at home with the corn stalks and haybales!  She actually was in a Samaritan's Purse float and dressed in a Christmas present box costume :)

Have a great week everyone enjoying God's blessings!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing all of your updates!! So glad that you've been having good turnouts at the maze, as I know a little of the work that all goes into it!
    God bless you and your family----"Real good". ;)


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