Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Priscilla's Graduation

Sorry these are out of order!  Downloaded just didn't work right today ;(

This was actually taken a couple of weeks ago so we could use it in the graduation slideshow.  Anyway, Sunday night was Priscilla's high school graduation.

 Jessica J.'s grandpa was the speaker for the evening and spoke on giving your best to God.
The girls did some scripture recitation together and sang a song together.
Each girl did something by themselves as well.  Priscilla did her dramatic monologue that she's doing for ACE convention.
My father-in-law, our pastor, gave each graduate a Bible.
Then each set of parents came up and gave their graduate their diploma, hugged them, and some said a few words about the graduate.
Arthur giving Cilla a big hug in the receiving line.
Seeing as it was Sunday evening, we decided to have sundaes and cake.  It was the easiest graduation lunch we've ever done and everyone really seemed to enjoy it and all the topping options.
The graduates each had their table of special stuff.

The siblings all worked in the kitchen, including the guys.  The guys also passed out programs, ran the cameras, slideshow, etc.  

Priscilla's cousin Benjamin, and Rachel M.'s brother, was the MC for the evening.
Hosanna made a special cake and then a couple of large sheet cakes.

So, that was Priscilla's graduation in a nutshell.  It was such a nice graduation and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter like her!  They're all wonderful of course!  It also marks the end of 23 years of homeschooling for us.  I feel like I just retired from a job or something.  Sad, but looking forward to seeing what God has around the corner.

Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Priscilla---and what amazing cakes!! :)

    My mom said the same thing after her last graduated a year ago. She felt like she wouldn't know what to do with her time, but I haven't noticed her running out of things to do yet. I'm sure the Lord will guide you in the days ahead.


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