Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Yesterday's Parade

The first thing you'll notice is that this is not the float we used in the Warroad parade. First, it was the ugliest float you ever saw. Second, Arthur didn't want to take a tractor down to Roseau this year. So, we made it easy and dressed the car up for a "Road Trip" theme.

Some of our normal workers were gone and so we got some help from these young boys. Aren't they cute with those smiles!

Priscilla braved the heat and wore the cow costume and gave flyers out to the workers.

Arthur giving out directions. Don't go too slow. Don't faint from the heat. Etc.

And then we took this picture today to use as a facebook header.  I was surprised at how tall some of the corn is. Some is still pretty short, but most of it will get to a nice height. Even the short stuff will do better now that Eli is out there hand fertilizing it! The rest of the guys are out baling hay! Of course, what else would we do on the hottest day of summer!!

Stay cool everyone and have a wonderful day enjoying God's abundant sunshine!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new float! :) Can't wait for the corn maze.


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