Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Miscellaneous Random Post

I noticed I haven't posted much this fall so I'm doing a photo dump on you all!  We love everyone that comes to the maze but seeing family always makes us smile! I think these two miss working there!

Eli and Josh having a boxing match.  Notice that Arthur is enjoying it too!

Okay, this was posed! And no, that pop and candy in the background are maze supplies, not our standard diet!

We are so grateful for the great workers we have this year!!!! Matthew!

And Rachel!

Did I mention that Isaac got his bear? 




The flowers I got at the Jeffery family greenhouse have grown way better in the new courtyard than they ever did behind the house.

Miriam thought she'd make dried apples out of my apple tree.  Well, there were a lot more apples on that tree than we thought!  Nice big ones!

Miriam also has been busy canning tomatoes, and more tomatoes since she got home from camp.

Miriam works so hard she just had to take a rest in the corn pit :)

Abby helped out some.

Krystal and Hosanna!


Sweet little Jubilee always heads to the sand pile!

Priscilla and Erin.  I couldn't find pictures of the other great workers we have, sorry! Erin's not a worker, in case you were wondering!  Although someday...

The E. family came out one slow day and Josh and Eli enjoyed watching them play box hockey.

Otherwise -
Isaac and Arthur have baled a ton (well many tons) of hay this year!
Arthur has started chopping corn to feed the cows.
Priscilla signed a contract on her book!
Two weeks left of the maze!  Actually, ten out of the next twelve days we have groups or open days!
We haven't had a hard frost so the corn is still green. (Never has that happened before this late in maze history.)
The garden is almost done.
And that's about all!

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the gorgeous fall weather God is sending our way!

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