Thursday, September 6, 2018

August 2018

Okay, just a warning, this post is really mixed up. I just downloaded the pictures as I found them. August was a crazy month. So far September is too. I find my myself too busy to answer text messages and phone calls let alone post on the blog. So, this is a humble, and quick attempt to catch up!

We had some help getting ready for the maze this year. Hosanna's dear friend Nate Bladine and his sister Marty came up to spend a few days right before we opened and we couldn't have done it without them!

Silas stopped by a few times to lend a hand and he helped Arthur finish up the bale mountain by throwing up a few square bales.

In August we also had Farm Camp. This was a fun group of guys! Not only did they work hard, they heard lots of great preaching from different men in our church. 

Miriam tried on our "Pumpkin Princess" outfit!

Hosanna and Priscilla were at camp all summer and we took a weekend off and headed east to go visit them and to check out Hosanna's "friend"! We actually know Nate's parents from college so we have a few alma mater ties and its where they were at camp. Nate is a great young man with a heart for God and serving. We look forward to seeing what God has planned for their lives! 

There were these pretty waterfalls along the road and stopped to get a picture of the girls. It's a man made waterfall and I think I'd like one in my yard! Arthur wasn't as excited!

Another picture of Silas and his family at the maze. 
Some years the thought of doing the maze again is really depressing. It means months of the year with only one focus. It means forgetting the yard and garden after about mid July. It means no time for anything else. It means a lot of money going through our hands. But then there's these grandchildren of ours! They love the maze and beg to work there! They can play for hours there and beg us never to quit. So continue we do, year after year! Some year it will be our last. We always said if one of the girls gets married we will quit. So we'll see. Meanwhile, if God wants us to have the maze, having the maze we will do. If any of you have extra time to pray, please pray that it will be a blessing to the families that come. That no one will get hurt and that we will have the stamina it takes to finish the season. Pray that the tracts we give out will reach someone who needs it.

Meanwhile, Miriam did find time to can some tomatoes and pickles. No weeding though! Somehow God blesses it even when we are too busy to weed and the weeds grow tall! The girls are home from camp and busy with maze stuff. Hosanna pretty much takes care of the food and Priscilla runs the store. I keep everyone going with schedules, printing stuff, etc. Arthur runs the farm and gives never ending hayrides! Not having a herd of cows to milk has made it much easier for him this year! Miriam makes sure everyone eats, that the house stays somewhat clean and that we have clean clothes! We are busy but I'd rather be busy than bored!

Well, that is my catch up post. It gives you a little idea what we are up to anyway.  Take care everyone, and take some extra time to pray for our country too!

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