Thursday, June 10, 2010

Anyone Have Time to Pray?

I know everyone is really busy this time of year, but with all the days and days of rain we've been having, and with all the days and days of rain in the forecast, if you have time, would you pray for a nice week next week for our Vacation Bible School?  Please pray for final preparations and for the children that come.  We would like to see not only the children but our workers as well get on fire for God.  If you have time, would you all mind joining us in praying for a great week coming up?  Thanks!!


  1. Love to! What's ya'lls theme this year?


  2. "Choosing to Serve the King". It's a VBS program that we did six or seven years ago with a castle theme. Everyone loved this theme and since we already had the materials, we're doing it again. Wish you all could come up and help but we know you probably have 5-day clubs going on. Hosanna said two children got saved in her club at training this week!

  3. Look at the bright side: If it rains when they get saved they can go right out and be sprinkled. :-)Mode is never as important right?

  4. When the Lord brings you to mind, I'll pray. We experienced something at church last weekend where people were very moved by the Lord and requesting prayer. So good to see people hungering and thirsting for the Lord. Bless you!

  5. Our VBS is next week too. We'll be praying!


We'd love to hear what you have to say!