Saturday, March 3, 2012

Quiz - Which Jonathan Park Episode is Each Quote Taken From?

1. "I like flowers.  You got a problem with that?"
2. "I hate the news. It's so depressing.  There's too many criminal types out there."
3. "Game over. What's that mean? "
4. "We're with the county work crew.  See the vest?"

5. "Eating supper with you is an adventure."

6. "That guy really doesn't like you!"
7. "Universal peace to you."
8. "Look alive boys, here comes the boss."
9. "It's a picture of your house."
10. "Are you alive in there?"
11. "No, I'm just acting."

With a lack of other things to post on, you get a quiz.  Not that we're not busy, it's just that sometimes the ordinary work seems so ordinary! 


  1. I'm not sure I know what you're talking about with the quotes? but I do know what you mean about the ordinary work seeming unworthy of a post. Sometimes I long to make a post, but there's just NOTHING to photograph that is noteworthy!

  2. I Love your posts. I will see if the kids can tell me the answers. They don't have all the episodes but quite a few. Have a great day!

  3. By the way, anonymous is from Selawik.

  4. 1. The Descent From Sandia Peak
    2. The Secret of the Hidden Cave
    3. Mystery at Dead Man's Curve
    4. The Descent From Sandia Peak
    5. The Mysterious Stranger?
    6. The Secret of the Hidden Cave?
    7. Escape From Utopia
    8. The Descent From Sandia Peak
    9. Mystery at Dead Man's Curve
    10. Mystery at McBane Manor
    11. Darrow's Bluff
    We love the picture you used with the quotes!!

  5. Correction!
    6. The Return to Iwo Jima
    Still not sure on 5. The kids decided to listen to Jonathan Park again.

  6. Okay, Miriam, you need to post the right answers:) Hope you're all having fun at home as we are in TN!

  7. Fun! I'm looking forward to doing JP with the boys when they are older. :)

  8. You got them all right McCanne's. Well, maybe not #5 but all of us had a different one we thought it was on so your guess is as good as ours.

  9. That was fun!... I got all of them!! I have probably listened to them WAY too many times!!!


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