Thursday, June 14, 2012


When we moved here 20 years ago this peony plant was next to the house.  Every year it gets nice blossoms and then they die.  This is the first year one has dared to open!  I was so excited I decided not to wait for it to completely open before taking a photo. Amazing that it took so long and it may not happen again for another 20 years!

Another amazing thing going on in our yard.  I dug this tree up at my great grandparents place  in South Dakota 14 years ago and this is the first time it's gotten apples on it!  They're not very big yet but they are apples!

I guess the life lesson in this is not give up and get impatient for fruit in our lives.  If we do what we're suppose to, God will send fruit!  This also goes for seeing fruit in other lives around us.

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the spirit is
joy, peace,
gentleness, goodness,
Meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law.

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