Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Priscilla has been in the Bible Bee for five years and this year for the first time she qualified for finals!  She is on cloud nine and quite giddy! I think her sisters are excited too as they love learning with her and quizzing her.  This also means a trip to Tennessee and a visit with Naomi and her family!  Congratulations, Priscilla and congratulations to everyone in the Bible Bee because the verses you've learned will be with you your entire life and that is true victory!


  1. Congrats!!! :)
    Jesus-Loves-Even Me (From Memverse :) )

  2. Congrats!!!!! That is so exciting!!! Kayla Erickson (Kari's younger sister) is going too. :)

  3. Congrats Priscilla! We will look forward to seeing you and your family at Nationals!

  4. Wow!! Didn't know that Priscilla had been in the Bee for that long; We all cheered when we saw her name in the top 120:) So excited for her. Priscilla, study hard, and whatever you do give God the glory for it!!

  5. Congratulations Priscilla!!!! :)

  6. Yeah Cilla!!!! I was so happy for you when Amos told me last night!

  7. Thank You all so much for your comments! I'm a little bit overwhelmed with everything I have to learn, but I'm really excited about going.

  8. Congratulations Priscilla!!! When are the finals?

  9. The finals are Novemeber 20 - 23 in Sieverville, Tennessee. Down your way! Maybe we'll see you sometime between Naomi's and Sieverville!

  10. Congratulations Priscilla! Sorry it took me so long to comment - hope your studying goes well and we're looking forward to seeing you!

  11. Congratulations Pricilla! I'll be there in Seniors too, so I'll jeep an eye out for your family!


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