Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Another Tree

Last fall I posted abut a large tree we had to take down to build the addition and today we had to take down another one of the big trees.  Our house is almost 100 years old so these trees may very well be close to that age as well.  Anyway, the electric company was putting up new wires to our house because the old ones were too short for some of our equipment.  Since they were taking down the wires, which were above the tree, Arthur figured we should probably take down the tree at the same time since it is leaning over the addition.  Yes, we should've done it earlier, but we didn't.

Arthur and his dad were pretty smart in getting them down without hitting the house but it sure looks bare now!  Next spring we'll have to plant some new trees.

The maze continues and that's about all that is going on around here other than the fall farm work.  We did have a group of handicapped children at the maze today and that was enjoyable and we've had some really good weekends.  We're trying to sneak in time to finish up some garden stuff before it gets cold as well.  Have a great evening and may our lives grow in Christ to be large and strong like a tree with Christ sustaining us! May we not let adversity and the trials of this world cut us down and keep us from standing for Christ alone!


  1. I know we will have to remove some trees when we build our next always kind of makes me sad to see a tree go down, but sometimes it is the wisest choice. I know you will find many ways to use all that wonderful wood!

  2. Hello Camille! So nice to "meet" you and your lovely family! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog for a visit...and for praying for my brother, Gary. We are so thankful for all our friends praying all over the country for him at this time...God is truly so good.

    This post reminds us of home! Since we live right in the woods on the coast...we've had a few "close calls" with trees...the most recent during hurricane "Sandy" last tree ripped the power line right out of our house! It was a pretty frightening experience! We took down some huge poplar trees that were close to the house this spring...not taking any more chances!

    You have a lovely blog...I will be back to visit again soon! Have a wonderful weekend with your lovely family!

    Sweet blessings,

  3. WOW!! That sure makes it look empty!! It's amazing how different it makes it look! Sure love and miss you all!

  4. Wow, it looks SO different without that tree!!!


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