Saturday, July 12, 2014

This and That

The Little Cowboy

And off into the sunset with Grandpa and little brother watching.

Okay, this picture is to make any of you with a weedy garden not feel so bad!  It's on the back side of our main garden and is always just big clods so its not easy to weed.  We usually just plant pumpkins or corn on this side so it doesn't need as much care or can take over the weeds.
Oh, I love these little grandchildren with all their unique and different personalities!!  If only I had half of their energy I could get so much done!! :)  Trying to get them all to smile for a picture isn't easy either!

The front part of our garden we do try to keep weeded, although it sometimes has to take a back burner to other things.  Normally Hosanna does a good part of the weeding and we are so missing her help!  Between the two halves is our two long rows of raspberries that have a lot of burning nettles in them right now.  We need to pull them soon before the raspberries get ready.  I'm so thankful for the ability to have a garden and all that wonderful fresh, organic, only our-hands-have-touched food!  God is so good!!

Meanwhile, Hosanna called and let us know how busy she is doing this or that - work, baking, gardening, playing piano, helping out at VBS, etc.  Pretty much what she'd be doing here other than the daytime office job at the Bible Bee headquarters. For those of you in the Bible Bee, Mrs. M. is already working on next year's Sword Study!!!  I had no idea of all that was involved in running such a big ministry but it is a huge job and such a blessing to so many.  Pray for the Bible Bee if you think of it.  Pray for the workers, the M.'s and W's, finances, ideas, etc.  I'm sure they'd appreciate it!

The guys are busy getting hay up, cattle moved around, bulls in with the cattle, helping neighbors with their cattle, fixing equipment, and the endless farm list.  The girls and I are getting the house cleaned up, doing laundry, dishes, etc.

Have a wonderful weekend!  Go to church tomorrow and enjoy fellowshipping with God's people!


  1. I love the picture of the grandchildren! Are you sure it is safe to let Daniel ride Elizabeth? The garden look great!.

  2. I can't believe Naomi's little boy is that big already!!!!! :)


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