Sunday, December 16, 2018


     One thing I love about blogging, more than say facebooking, is the option to ramble and say more than a few sentences. The last few days, even weeks, I've been doing a lot of rambling in my mind and thought I'd share my thoughts. Usually when I do this I get myself in trouble or offend people. Sorry in advance! I don't mean to!
     My thoughts have led to how tolerant we as Christians have been getting. In some ways, I even blame facebook and social media for it. We have gotten so used to seeing the "world" day in and day out and everything about them, that sin doesn't always seem like sin anymore. The lines are getting blurry between right and wrong and Christians aren't alway sure what is right anymore.
    Let me give an example. Social drinking. You are free to believe what you want, but generally Christians, in the past have frowned on social drinking. Maybe I just grew up in too conservative of a church, a Mennonite church. But it wasn't just our church, most every church in town would have frowned on anyone who socially drank. If they did, it was something they did in secret. But now, it seems as if almost every Christian I know is announcing to the world the great wine they had at a restaurant or with their meal at home by posting a picture. There is no shame. No question of if its right or not. No thoughts that maybe they will head their own children down the road to alcoholism with their example.
   Take gambling. Gambling has always been something believers stayed away from. But more and more, the casinos are getting big waterparks and restaurants and hotels that it makes it easy to support the gambling establishment by supporting their endeavors. As Christians we love to support Chick-Fil-A  or Hobby Lobby because of their Christian ownership but at the same time, as Christians we have started to support businesses that are actually evil but disguised as "Okay".  In our area, there are businesses owned by people with very wrong moral lifestyles. It seems almost as if the Christians go out of their way to support them and then post about it on social media. Why? I really have no idea except I often wish I was an Old Testament king who could tear down the idols and evil places.
    Or take dancing. When we were young, the church kids typically didn't go to the dances. Maybe prom, with frowns from the older people. More often then not, there was an activity that night so we had an excuse not to go and someplace better to go. But slowly homeschoolers with their historical studies started doing old time dances, which is much better than some of the things done today. But still, it has opened the door. Now, you will find it hard to find a wedding without one, or a teen who won't attend all the school dances.
    You could take a lot of other things, dress, music, Bible versions, doctrine, etc. The point is, we are getting complacent about what we do. We are getting more and more like the world. We are so connected to other Christians through media, and have so much more contact with those slightly different than we are, that the lines get blurred. One family might have a real heart for God, even on fire for God, but have no problem with Christian rock. That is just fine for them if they are okay with it, I guess. But the problem is when we look at them and say, "Look, they have a heart for God and its they listen to this stuff, or wear these clothes, or drink with their meals, etc. etc. Maybe it's not so bad. Maybe we are wrong and those things are okay."
    I hate to say we are becoming like a one world church, but in a sense, we are all leveling out to be about the same. Hardly anyone stands out anymore with Biblical standards because they would stick out and look strange to the other millions of believers out there with hearts for God that do those things. It makes all of us into cookie cutters with very little distinction between denominations.
   Now, notice I said those with a heart for God. I know a lot of Christians who really have a heart for God and some great ministries who do not have the same standards I have. That's okay. I love them, and fellowship with them. I have friends and family members who do not live the ways we do. We are not "separatists" in the sense that we do not have fellowship with anyone different than us. That would be pretty hard in our town! Personally, I don't mind what people believe, as long as they believe in salvation by faith in God, I can put up with a lot and will be friends with them. Those who have hearts for God but not quite such "strict" convictions don't do too bad, but those that have a lot of convictions and then drop them to be more like the "world church" are the ones who seem to lose the most. The families that decide to change their lifestyle to fit in more with the "church" are the ones who seem to lose their kids to the world and lose their walk with God the most.
   I'm not saying everyone has to have a "do and don't list". But the fact is, we all have standards. Yours won't be the same as mine. We all draw lines somewhere in our personal lives and in our families.
   So, the whole point of my rambling is not to point out specific areas of complacency, or my levels of convictions, but as a warning to be careful that you are not being molded by the "church" in general. Remember that a lot of the "church" today go to churches that do not stand for the Bible in all areas. Some are not even clear on salvation if you asked them, or believe basic Bible teachings on creation and the like. Be careful that you follow those that are like minded to what you stand for. Be careful that you do not throw your convictions to the wind, and blend in with what others are doing. It will hurt you, and your children if you are married. Be careful to study your Bible so you know what you believe. Know the why's of why you do what you do regardless of where you "draw the line" on issues. I truly believe the reason so many of our young people struggle with this and that is they have no idea why they should or shouldn't do the things. The Bible has the answers! Find them! If you're a parent, teach your children why. I challenge you to ask your child or teen why ____ is wrong or why they should ____. See if they know what they believe and can back it up with scripture. Don't assume they are in agreement with you and know because its always been that way. Make sure they know! If not, get out your Bible and teach them!


  1. I never comment on blogs but this deserved an “ amen”! You are so right. This is the truth and is written so well. Thank you!

    Sharon B.

  2. Amen! Thank you for sharing this! God’s word is always the answer. Praying you have a blessed New Year!


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